We are currently in the works for enhancing our data analysis features in Pieall. Pretty soon, authors of Pieall polls will be able to get one of the strongest data reporting features of the market.
One of the key features that we are pushing is the concept of the Pieall Graph (PG). The idea is to correlate the choices selected accross different Pieall polls. For example, if there are two polls: one that asks for your favorite beverage and another that asks for your favorite day for doing the groceries. You, as a registered user of Pieall, will be able to correlate the results and discover how many of the users who selected coke also do their groceries on Sunday. Pretty cool!
Another area that we are enhancing is the collection of certain metrics regarding the performance of your Pieall poll. For example, think of having a statistic for total votes per day, total votes per hour or total votes per month. Also think of having a similar stats for times your poll was shared in Facebook or times emailed to friends (or emailed to the world by a third party).
If you have any suggestions to make, please sends us an email (info@pieall.com) or write a comment.
Pieall or die!